Oh, we know the struggle is real when it comes to loosing weight and keeping off unwanted pounds! We will be there with you every step of the way as you journey towards your weight loss goals. We will do a comprehensive medical evaluation and help you establish reasonable, obtainable goals and give you a customized lifestyle plan. Check out Rejuve medical 12-week Intensive Wellness & Weight Loss Program HERE.

What do you get with this 12-week intensive wellness & weight loss program?

12-Week Intensive Wellness & Weight Loss Program at Rejuve

The 12 weeks is the Kickstart on a journey to wellness. At the end of the 12-week program, clients will have the opportunity to continue working with us in our fab5iver wellness subscription program. tfalandchi

Additionally, you will receive medical supervision during your 12 week journey, which includes an exam, lab work, weigh-ins, measurements, and photos.

Fee: 2,250.00

Weight loss will occur as a by-product of lifestyle changes and is likely to be sustained once the fundamentals of healthy nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and stress management are understood and applied. We know everyone starts at a different point and our intensive weight loss program will move people along the health continuum to better states of wellness.